Body Codes
Author: David B. O'Donnell (Atropos)
Tags: #soc.motss, #lgbtq
- Version 1.0
- Specification (canonical, 1990-11-24)
Found on:
- soc.motss (newsgroup) - (Members Of The Same Sex)
Referenced from:
Body Codes are a tongue-in-cheek code posted to soc.motss
for classifying lesbian and gay newsgroup members.
BODY CODES 1.0 is designed to meet every aspiring lesbigay’s innate desire to classify and codify all sorts of things about themselves so that all the other aspiring (and aspired, though doubtfully expired) lesbigays out there can croon over them and write neat signatures which the Evil Hets can’t understand and which will force Muffins to Come Out and Ask What They Mean.