Brit Code
Author: Neale Grant
Tags: untagged
Inspirations: Geek Code
- Version 1.1
- Specification: (canonical, archived)
- Specification: (mirror, archived)
Referenced from:
- At least 80 signature codes
- Critter Code (archived)
- Goth.Code Homepage (archived)
- Robin Powell's Code List
The Brit Code is intended for Brits.
The BritCode is unashamedly modelled on Robert Hayden’s excellent, groundbreaking GeekCode (although one or two ideas have been borrowed from the (excessively complex) Gothcode). It is not, however, simply a de-Americanized GeekCode: most of the categories are original and deal with the off-line world. The BritCode makes an excellent complement to the GeekCode for British geeks, or a fully-featured standalone code for ungeeky Brits.