Smurf Code
a.k.a. SmurfCODE(TM)
Tags: #soc.motss
Inspirations: Bear Code
Inspired: Sondheim Code, Twink Code
- Version 1.04
- Specification: (mirror, 1990)
- Specification: (mirror, 1993-09-15)
Found on:
- soc.motss (newsgroup) - (Members Of The Same Sex)
Referenced from:
- At least 80 signature codes
- Critter Code (archived)
- DataPacRat's Code Mirror
- Goth.Code Homepage (archived)
- Robin Powell's Code List
- Queer Resource Directory
Smurf Code is a inside joke on the soc.motss
newsgroup. Though the name and
code reference Belgian artist Peyo’s
comic characters The Smurfs, the
term “smurf” instead refers to silly user behavior in the newsgroup, as
documented on the Jargon File:
- [from the soc.motss newsgroup on Usenet, after some obnoxiously gooey cartoon characters] A newsgroup regular with a habitual style that is irreverent, silly, and cute. Like many other hackish terms for people, this one may be praise or insult depending on who uses it. In general, being referred to as a smurf is probably not going to make your day unless you’ve previously adopted the label yourself in a spirit of irony. Compare old fart.
Smurf Code was created seemingly as a joking response to Bear
Code on
the soc.motss
, which was then
However, interoperability with Bear Code seems to be a deliberate feature:
Since Smurfs and their friends have so many varied qualities, we have devised a reallyneat* method for uniquely identifying them. Furthermore, since Smurfs and Bears now intermingle frequently, the Smurfcode is deliberately orthogonal to Bearcode version 1.7. Characteristic letters from both systems may be intermingled to form a Smurfurr code or a Bluebear code.