Whore Code 🔞
a.k.a. Whorecode
Author: Elusis
Tags: #sex
Inspirations: Goth Code, Geek Code
Inspired: Sex Code (Powell) 🔞
- Untitled version
- Specification (mirror, adult, archived, source) - Cuts off midway through the file.
- Version 1.0
- Version 2.0
Found on:
- rec.music.tori-amos (newsgroup)
Referenced from:
Whore Code is a sex-positive code posted most often to Tori
Amos newsgroup
. Author Elusis wrote it for rmta
The code is impressively detailed. To cite one existing code:
Whore Code 2.0 WhCh5Po1U3 LJC hBl+(Bl)|O|s--|----|mst b69/53
B3^Z#Z a25+- sM8n3 K6cZ k5BdsAhmOPptW QBbCcEeLRtO ?v56s oQ
X66 @w5TO r7I-s E+ p{54}f7v7#g{65}s8C D4m6^ Hal+fiK-S5|2|
Though references remain, unfortunately Whore Code does not seem to have survived, and only one possibly-modified partial copy has been found thus far.
Aside from its name, this code is marked as adult for its wide references to fetishes.