Yiddishkeit Code
a.k.a. Hebrew Geek Code, HGC
Author: Robert D. Kaiser
Tags: #religion
Inspired: Catholic Geek Code
- Version Hebrew Geek Code 2.1
- Specification (mirror)
- Version Hebrew 'Geek Code' 2.5 (1995-07-14)
- Specification (canonical, 1996-01-25) - Discusses need for new name
- Version Yiddishkeit Code 8/22/96 (1996-08-22)
- Specification (canonical)
- Version Yiddishkeit Code 9/25/96 (1996-09-25)
- Specification (canonical)
- Version Yiddishkeit Code
- Specification (mirror, 2019-04-14)
Found on:
- soc.culture.jewish (newsgroup)
Referenced from:
The Hebrew Geek Code / Yiddishkeit Code is intended for Jewish people to describe their lives and faith.
Though the code debuted as the “Hebrew Geek Code” or “HGC”, a post in 1996 discusses the need to rename the code:
By the way, I’m looking for a NEW NAME for this. The term ‘Geek Code’ is copyrighted, and the present name could be construed as a copyright infringement. So if anyone has a suggestion, please e-mail me!
The code was posted with a new name in August 2006; Yiddishkeit translates roughly to “Jewishness”.
It is presumed that the Yiddishkeit code is not to be distinguished from the Hebrew Geek Code; however, the list At least 80 signature codes lists them both separately.